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    Ephesians 5:1-20
    Jun 27, 2023
    Ephesians 5:1-20


    Paul continues to help the Ephesian believers understand how God’s extravagance pours into their lives and through their lives. Last week it was about leaving old habits (lying, stealing, and potty mouth language) and learning new habits (telling the truth, sharing their stuff, and using words to build up). There’s more of that this week as Paul unpacks the beauty of living a life of love (spoiler alert, he has some things to say about sex, debauchery, and getting drunk!).

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    Ephesians 5:1-20

    1. Do you know of a family where the children seemed especially ‘loved’? What was it that made them feel loved, and how did they respond to that healthy affection? Do your group members experience themselves as dearly loved children of the Living God?
    2. Paul begins to explain ‘living a life of love’ by talking about sex! Why is sex important? Isn’t it just like other bodily desires, like the need for food and sleep?
    3. v. 10 tells us to ‘find out what pleases the LORD.’ What have you found pleases the LORD?
    4. v. 16 tells us to ‘make the most of every opportunity.’ What does that mean, and how does that play out for your group these days?
    5. Several verses in our passage speak about songs, singing, and making music. How important is music to you? How can you ‘turn up the volume’ of worship in your life?
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